
This and That

Okay, here I am again. The computer is still not fixed- the hard drive crashed, and we have a new one on order from Compaq. (By the way, some guy over here who fixes computers mentioned that most people who own Compaqs have problems with them) The hard drive was mailed to my parents house, and they will mail it to us. Then we, mere babes in the wood when it comes to computers, will have to install it and get the thing up and running again.

Right now I am using the school's office computer, and really need to be getting ready to teach my first class. Lisa did her first one last night and did just fine!

Okay, I have interesting stories to tell, but I really must go get ready for class. If I have time after I may write more.



They really are.
Feel free to pray for ours, if you believe that prayers for evil, inanimate objects count. Ours crashed over a week ago, and still we have not got it up and running. I am now on my neighbor's computer. We NEED that computer for study and communication! And guess what- the tech support for international incidents (that's us) only has an e-mail address! How retarded is that?