
That's all folks... til next time.

It's 1:24 in the morning (my time), and the packing is done, the suitcases lined up by the door, goodbyes have been said, and I really should go try to take a nap until the sherut comes around 3:15. This has been the Day that never ends. And I am not helping things out by reading blogs and looking up the meaning of the name Liam (it's an Irish short form of William). This is the last time I'll post from Jerusalem, but of course not the last time I will post about Jerusalem! (Beware, folks!)

We have been running around like the proverbial headless chickens- grocery shopping, present shopping, finishing up work time, visiting neighbors, running to the office, cleaning, packing,... anyway that's all done now. And as Mom pointed out- we are standing with God to see his purposes done in this land (even if we don't have time to think about it). It has been hard to savor the last few moments because it all seems so mundane. I've done this before, I left before and came back. I really have had no sense of loss at leaving, no pangs of homesicknessbeforeIleave, no tears. Know why? BECAUSE I am coming back!!!! (No plans yet)

This is my home (Kate's Jerusalem), I love it, I get frustrated with it, I want desperately to leave, to be anywhere but here, but I know deep down inside that I'll come back. Of course I will- its a given. Even if I have to wait until the Millenium to return (which I doubt).

Okay, the combo of a heat and sleep-deficit induced headache, computer screen lighting, and the very heady smell of jasmine floating in the open window all compel me to stop writing NOW and go to bed! Or at least sweep the bedroom floor. It's very dirty. Good night.

I shall see all you lovely people in a little bit.

PS- Derrick I hope you bring your bike to Fairwood sometime during the week so I can admire it.
Lindsay- we will probably stay longer than two days. I'll try to get in touch with you about getting together.
Andrea and Fritha.... well, anyway, you know.
I am not going to bed!!! I think my fingers are stuck to the keyboard.

1 comment:

Booker said...

Well, I'll be over on my bike Friday. But that will be it...