
I am back, after eating possibly the weirdest dinner ever. We had meat loaf, baked sweet potates with honey and cinnamon and fried parsnips. Yummy.
Okay, here is the first photo.


Anonymous said...

I would guess, judging by the view in the fore / back ground, that the photographer is facing west from a position approximately 1 km east of a house in which you used to live.

melrandall said...

Hurray! Was an Arabic Bible heroically and miraculously delivered near this spot, perchance?

drewey fern said...

Ooooh! Oooooh! I want to go!

Kate said...

Yes yes Melissa! Only this is the arbour on the opposite end.

Brandon I am impressed that you came up with the compass direction. Let me see if I can figure out if you are correct or not...(think, think)...yup, I believe you are correct.

I guess this photo was pretty easy. I'll see if I can come up with a harder one. Wooohooo for the nooks and corners of the land! and knowing them! and loving them!

lis said...

Lovely, Kate.

Well done, Brandon.

Come, come, Andrea!

(Can you tell that the last comment was meant, not as a "tut-tut" sort of reproof, but as an enthusiastic entreaty? O, the importance of tone of voice).