
Left Behind

Okay Guys, so if you hadn't already heard, Lisa is leaving on a jet plane tomorrow.
And you probably all noted the fact that I will not be on that flight.
So all along I have been pretty sure of my decision to stay on this side of the puddle. I mean, it wasn't all my decision anyway, but however it happened, here I am in the good ole US of A and happy to be here. I want to go back to Israel sometime, but I want to go when I'll enjoy it again. Right now if I went I would probably end up in multiple pieces and held together with a straight jacket.

Fine. So let Lisa fly away tomorrow. She's only one of my dearest and closest friends. She is only going to the spot in the world that I most love. She's only going for her third trip without me.

Houston, we have a problem.

As some great sage would say; "I HATE MY LIFE."

So you can all write nice goodbye notes to Lisa on her blog or e-mail. You can write me notes of condolence-kind of like the kind you would write to somebody who unexpectedly had to go in for open-heart surgery because half of it was ripped out and flown overseas.

Okay, okay. I am being a tad bit dramatic. But its been a long day full of new and interesting mistakes at work and very sore feet. I am tired and I really, really am dreading tomorrow.

I guess now I will have a chance to look at one of our Israel trips from everybody else's perspective. Sigh.


melrandall said...

Affirmation! Love! Affirmation! Come on down here if you need to escape... and I promise not to treat you to our branch of your fine place of employment.

Laughter said...

Katie, I wuv you vewwy much! And I feel some of your pain. She's leaving without ME!


Marie said...

awww, that's hard. Take care of yourself kay...
if you went maybe you'd miss out on something that you're suppose to do or experience...

CKS said...

Remember, she left without all of us...no, it's not the same, but it's true. And this will be an excellent lesson in learning to love what God has called you to do even when you feel like your heart really, really wants to be doing something "more." I've wanted to be in Israel so BADLY at various times because that's where my heart is and that seems a great field to accomplish a lot in faith, but God called me to something else for now.

Hope that came out right...sorry to sound so harsh. There's lots of affirmation behind this comment!

Kate said...

Thanks Craig. It wasn't harsh at all. It's true, and I know he will help me! In fact, he already is.

Kate said...

Thanks Mel and Rach- I will be down to see you Mel, never you fear! and I'm coming to see you Rach! Haha!