

I bought Gefilte fish and horseradish sauce at the grocery store today. Now to see if it tastes as good as the stuff I had at Herb and Rachel's Passover table over a year ago.

I miss Israel so much.


CKS said...

Let's have a falafel dinner this weekend! "Let's" meaning you can make it and all your friends will come eat it.

lis said...

Israel misses you, too...

but gefilte fish?

Avalanche Cowpoke said...

Ol' 'Lanche sez he likes radishes but leave the horse out---he ain't no cannibal!!!

lis said...

Clever, Cowpoke! :O)

Avalanche Cowpoke said...

Thet was 'Lanche said thet---the Cowpoke's still a-tryin' ta figure out what he's a-meanin'! 8~D

Laughter said...

Wow, I didn't eat one falafel while I was in Israel this time.

This is not good...