
Let's try this again

I have been experiencing difficulties figuring this out- at least I can now write!When I tried to post the last one I could only write the title- and nothing in the body of the post. Megan told me how to fix it. It's nice to have a computer-savvy little sister.

Today is a regular work day in Israel- but it makes me feel vaguely wicked not to be going to church! I have been writing e-mails to various people, and made mashed potatoes for breakfast. After breakfast I did something I have been looking forward to for months- I took a chair out onto our little stone balcony and basked in the sun! Oh the richness of sunlight! Oh the bliss of warmth! Sorry I rhapsodize, but I have just been in a much colder climate.

I have such and interesting view from my balcony- all stone houses and olive trees, and a highway. I can hear the muezzin calls from Bethlehem, and in a lull in the traffic I could hear church bells! Sigh. I don't know of a single church in Jerusalem that meets on Sunday morning.

1 comment:

Cara said...

oooooh katie! it all sounds so loverly! i miss you already...love cara