
Hebrew Lessons

Hebrew class today was all about the recent influx of Ethiopian Jews to Israel. We discussed how they go here, why thy came, how the move was accomplished, and what they thought about it all. Apparently they believe they are descended from King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba and they have been dreaming about coming to Israel ever since (more or less). There were a couple of huge operations twenty or so years ago to move the whole Jewish population from Adis Abba to Israel. It was a dream come true for them, but like all dreams it has had its down side. They aren't exactly integrating well, and the culture shock for the older members of the family is huge. The discussion was all very interesting, but time consuming to discuss in Hebrew! We even listened to a song sung by and Ethiopian children's choir about traveling across the desert to get to Israel.

Our Class is quite an eclectic group (if you can use that word of people)- Jewish, Arab, and Christians from Poland, Australia, the US, Israel, Jordan, Italy, South Africa, Russia... Fascinating. So far I have only talked with a few of them but I hope I get up my courage to talk to more of them. There is even a monk in our class! At least I think he is, unless he is a priest or a brother or something else. Sadly I am a bit shaky on the differences.

Now I am waiting for my sister to get home. I worry about her getting lost and never showing up!


Cara said...

eclectic is almost my fav word...next to zephyr and mellifluous and aeon!

Claire said...

Katie, After four years in a Catholic college, I'm still fuzzy on the diff between father/brother/monk/priest etc...

I'm enjoying your blog!

Much love to you and Lisa...