
No mushiness please

So I was going to post a couple pictures just because I felt like it, but my connection speed is extra slow and it doesn't want to upload them. Maybe later.

Just finished watching Star Wars Episode V with my brothers. I think their favorite part was probably when the little fighter jets harpooned the legs of those huge four-legged walking tank things, wound cable all the way around them, and made them fall down. For that matter they like any scene involving high speed, loud noise, and impressive explosives.

We have been working our way through the older episodes- a first for all three boys- and I'm not sure who is enjoying the experience more, me or them. So much fun to see their response to things I've seen several times, and vicariously see it for the first time. David especially gets all worked up about it. "Is there a monster down that tunnel? Are we going to see it?" "Did he really cut off his hand?!"

I don't think they bought into the whole emotional side of the movie at all. This is my favorite line from my brothers: Right at the beginning of the movie Hans Solo tells the commander of the rebel base that he needs to leave because Jabba the Hut will kill him if he doesn't pay him his money. He is saying goodbye to Leah like this:
HS (too close to Leah for my brothers' comfort): "So this is it."
L (in a cold manner): "Yes it is."
This irritates Hans, so he says sarcastically: "Don't get all mushy on me, Highness."
Daniel breaks in at this point with heartfelt agreement:
"That's right. That's my kind of guy!"


Booker said...

hahahahaha. Now that is funny!

Anonymous said...

oh yeah?

drewey fern said...

Hee hee hee - good one leia:)

And Kate: Gretchen and I actually read this post together, and it was so much fun to burst into spontaneous laughter in surround sound. Hurrah for Daniel!

CKS said...

I can just picture it...I'm jealous that you're getting to watch such classics with uninhibited first-timers. Watching with a responsive companion makes it so much better, doesn't it?