

My room has been taken over by wallpaper. It hangs about the room in damp, curling strips, occupies the recliner, armrests and all, it wanders across my bed, clings to my clothes, sticks to the bottoms of my feet, lies in drifts againsts the walls, and follows me out the door. I hate gunky wallpaper stuck to my socks.

But, once I have it all banished from the walls I shall be so much happier! The wallpaper really wasn't particularly garish or offensive, but I never liked it. I put up with it all through my stay in the same room (under Mrs. Sweet's occupation) and survived. This time I decided that it was me or the wallpaper. Right now the wallpaper is winning, and I am sleeping on the couch. :-)

Monday I visitied most of the paint shops in town, comparing prices and collecting lovely little paint samples to bring home. I had so much fun wandering around Fairwood subjecting other people to viewings and soliciting opinions. I must have come home with over thirty different color choices. Most of them are shades of green, pumpkin, gold, or maroon, with a couple gray and true orange thrown in. Not a blue among them! I may even decide to paint the room two different colors, if I can't narrow it down to just one. Oh the joy of endless possibilities and nobody to say me nay! What fun to be able to paint it anything I want, even if I hate it afterwards! :-)

You shall all have to view the results when I am done. I may even borrow a camera and post a picture. I bet you are all thrilled and can hardly wait.


Claire said...

I really CAN'T WAIT! I am so excited to hear you have tackled this project. GO, YOU! I am so glad to hear of that hideous paper's demise. It's about time! I think the two color scheme is a great idea. I have thought about doing that in my half bath- two opposite walls green, and the other two opposite walls blue...or perhaps a progression of one color...evolving stages of a purpley nature...

Mrs. RF said...

Hey- I am delighted you are really doing it! And, yes, we must see pictures!

Have fun!