

So Isaac, I found it amusing that you started using random names when you went to Panera for lunch! Yesterday I thought of a a couple that would be fun to try out:

Elvis- somebody actually gave me that name, and it was all I could do not to burst out laughing, or ask him if he was joking.

St. John- People really used to name their sons this, and pronounced it Singin kind of run together. It would be fun to see how people spelled it. :-)

Or how about Tintin! or Hezekiah! Endless possibilities.

Today contained several small pleasures, the sort of little incidents that make you thankful to be alive, and thankful to know Who to thank!

First of all, the weather was stunning! I can practically feel the bones of New England creaking with pleasure as they bask in the sun.

I drove with my shoes off and my windows down. Too bad my favorite tape is stuck in my tape deck. Otherwise I would have blasted loud classical music.

Today I got my paycheck for barn work, with and extra $10 and a note saying I was to celebrate spring. Don't mind if I do! So on my break I called Grandma and Sarah and set up an date to go to one of my favorite places- The House By the Side of the Road. Its a greenhouse for all those not in the know. It has everything from giant ferns and cacti to orchids and herbs. I LOVE it! It even has fish ponds down the center of one of the greenhouses with huge hideous goldfish swimming around lethargically in them.

I wandered about looking at all the beautiful plants and thinking about how dead they would be if I decided to bring them home. How I wish I had a green thumb.

I wanted to pick out something fairly easy to care for. I almost bought a huge fern in a hanging basket. But then I thought it would completely overwhelm my room so I didn't. Instead I came home with something that has thorns, needs fertilizer, pruning and full sun all day (which I don't have). Silly me! But it reminded my of Israel and I loved it and wanted it and that was that. It will probably be dead before dinner. Lets see if I can find out how to spell the name....

well, here is a picture: http://www.utexas.edu/rfsa/Assets/images/Copper%20Canyon/More%20Bougainvillea.jpg

Lovely, ain't it? Mine doesn't look a thing like it. Mine is small, skinny and scraggly: a close relative of Charlie Brown's Christmas tree.

Okay, I have gone on about plants long enough. Next nice thing about today:

I love the regulars at Panera! Thankfully we have no regular whiners. I guess that makes sense; if they whine they don't come back.
So ummm, where was I?


1. The middle-aged guy with very short hair who strides in with a purposeful air. Without a smile or a 'Good day' he says, "One Ginger Peach Tea, double cup, two bags, to go." After I get the tea and take his money he says, "Thanks kid," and walks out. Despite this brusque behavior I never get a sense of impatience or unkindness. I like him. I like being called kid. (I hope Clyde doesn't read this blog and start calling me kid.)

2. The classy lady who likes my cappiccinos. I find that I love making espresso drinks! In fact, I get much more pleasure out of making them than I do out of drinking them. Anyway, this lady is blonde, dresses to the nines with a lovely camel-colored coat, and has a delicious English accent. She also asks for skim milk in her drink, which makes a much better head of foam than 2% milk. Now you know.

3. Roger, the retired school teacher who knows my name, and wanders about the store like he owns it. He is part of the retired couples crowd which comes in most mornings and stays half the day. They all get their own pet things from the bakery every single day, pull tables together and sit around shooting the breeze.

Roger asked me today what I thought about the Israeli election results. We talked about it for less than two minutes, a good amount of time for political discussions, and went back to our respective meals (mine was a yummy bagel with raspberry cream cheese, an almond pastry and a cheesy, eggy, pastry thingy- think of all that fat!)

Enough about regulars.

Now I am going to go out in the dark and dig the dirt out of the bird bath by our front door. It has been growing moss and wimpy pansies for years. This spring I decided to gut the thing and start over.



Booker said...

with your pix, try this code:
"img hrc="insert pix URL here">"

just get rid of the outer quote marks, and it should show up fine :-)

Booker said...

oh, and insert an "<" before the word "img" I hate writing out code, it is hard to get it to show up, lol...

Mrs. RF said...

Yea for you cleaning out that bird bath. It has needed to be redone for a long time!

TripleNine said...

Hey Kid,
Clyde might not read this, but I do :) hahahaha

Kate said...

blah to you triplenine!

and Derrick, thanks. I tried to add the link but couldn't figure it out. Sadly, what you said doesn't make me any wiser, and I don't have time to figure it out now. :-( It's almost Sabbath, almost dinner time, and almost time to go up to Fairview to spend a weekend with my happy friends up there.

drewey fern said...

Katie I love you! This was such a great post. Especially the plants part:) I wish yours an extended life span. Maybe 48 hours instead of 3?

Oh, and I loved the regulars part too. When we get old and are all living up at Fairview, we should definitely take trips to Panera to shoot the breeze.

Hurrah for warm weather! I smelled the ocean from the school parking lot yesterday morning - haven't done that for months. Yippeeee!

lis said...

Regulars was so fun! Hope you do it moooore!

And hoorah for your bit of Israel.

Makes me think of The Secret Garden:
"Please sir, may I have a bit of earth?"

Avalanche Cowpoke said...

Me n' 'Lanche agree---do more regulars! DF's got the idee---let's become regulars at Panera but let's don't wait 'till we cain't remember why! 8~D

ljm said...

I'm a little behind here...I love the House by the Side of the Road too!