
Katie vs. Goliath

Meet Goliath- 1500 lbs, 17 hands tall, all muscle and bone. Not the prettiest horse around, but one of the more solid. In his prime he was a steer-roping champion. He was so fast he could out-run the steer, and when he stopped with the steer at the other end of the rope, the steer did a back-flip. Goliath can turn a corner faster than I can think, take off from a stand-still like an explosion, and run all out for the fun of it. He is also one of the gentlest horses I have ever ridden and very well-behaved.

Daniel took this picture. The fuzziness to the right is the fencepost he was hiding behind to avoid getting run down. The yellow thing is a wire attached to a telephone pole just out of sight to the left. I am thinking to myself at this point "I hope this horse decides I mean it when I asked him to move over because I am going to look pretty disgusting without a head. And I WILL be decapitated if he doesn't move over!"

Which does not explain why I am smiling.


Isaac Demme said...

Very nice.

lis said...

You are smiling because it's all a fabulous adventure!

ljm said...

Wow! You are brave.

drewey fern said...

Katie - I love you! I'm happy to see you on a horse:)

Queen Ann said...

Looks like that was an exciting time!

Anonymous said...

well then sounds like fun.


pennyjean said...

You've been tagged! Come see my blog for details!