

This is not a post about my mother, though Mother's Day is coming up.

I am doing a dry-run/ crash-course in mothering for a couple days. Mrs. and Mrs. L. left for the Gulf Coast to close on some rental property and I am taking care of their kids- Allison (11), Joseph (4), Benjamin (3), and Anna-Sophia (18 mo.)

Things are going remarkably well, but its so weird! We haven't had little ones in the house for years, and I forgot how time consuming they are. As in- they consume ALL available time ALL day long. Forget sitting down to read, forget eating food at meal times, forget thinking your own thoughts uninterrupted, or walking in a straight line down the path (no Sophia! THIS way!), or only managing your own food order at the drive-thru. Did you remember to wash Benjamin's hands? Sophia can't change her own diaper and she isn't going to remind you! Are they all crabby at once? Well, its your fault because dinner is late and they don't know how to be polite when they are hungry. Whose mess on the floor? Doesn't matter who made it-its mine now.

Suddenly I am thinking, planning and acting for 5 instead of one. I am responsible for their behavior and well-being, and naps are not an option (unless you think you can sleep and act as jungle-gym at the same time).

So wait, this is a post for my Mom- My word what a job! Thank you SO MUCH. I love you, and I think you are incredible.


lis said...


And I'm praying for you today. :O)

drewey fern said...

EEEEEEEEEEEEEKKK! (That's me running in the opposite direction while squealing loudly and shuddering.) You are my hero:)

Anonymous said...

Wow, Katie, thanks for this post. Seriously, I almost got teary-eyed reading it...I think partly because of the accuracy of the picture you painted, and partly because I think I had long forgotten that this is only a stage, and a very precious one too, by the way, but certainly not one containing an abundance of "down time" shall we say.

It was just kind of a shock to think that one day I, too, might be at a point where I could say "We haven't had little ones in the house for years, and I forgot how time consuming they are." In the mean time, I've certainly forgotten that there is any such thing as uninterrupted time to eat or read or think. I am truly, truly happy and enjoying this stage way more than I would ever have dreamed possible even a year or two ago. But at the same time, once in a while it's good to remember that someday there may be time for some of those other things I used to enjoy uninterrupted.

Thank you so much for this. It was sweet and affirming, and somehow even comforting and encouraging. It helps me to pick up my labors with renewed zeal, realizing it won't always be this way, and very much not wanting to look back with regret at how much time I spent fighting for my "rights" or something.

I should just email this to you, but here it all is, so I'll go ahead and post it and assume not too many people will bother to read a comment this late or this long. : )